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Happier Smiles For

5 Years

At Peninsula Family Dentistry, we do everything to ensure that you have a healthy, attractive smile. Yet accidents will happen, teeth may crack or get knocked out. And tooth pain can pop up, seemingly without warning. They can be serious. My team and I are well-versed in dealing with all types of dental emergencies. If you or a family member need immediate treatment, you may benefit from our urgent dental care services. We are here to ease discomfort and stop any bleeding, whether you knock your tooth or bite down on something too hard. We also have several restorative solutions to help you get your smile back to normal. We welcome you to Peninsula Family Dentistry for Urgent Dental Care in Gig Harbor, WA.

If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, including profuse bleeding that will not stop, swelling into the neck, or difficulty breathing, call 911 immediately. 

If your emergency is non-life-threatening, yet you believe you require urgent care, call us at (253) 525-4050 at any time, and we will get you in as quickly as possible–depending on the nature of the problem. If our office is not open, someone will call you back as quickly as possible so we can take care of you.

What Constitutes Urgent Dental Care?

A dental emergency can be caused by an injury, like a fall or an issue such as a painful cavity or cracked tooth. It can even be difficult to know when you should come to see us versus when you should wait to see if your issue goes away on its own. If your problem continues to worsen, it is advisable to seek care.

Here is some information about some common dental situations. Do call us if you have any of the following symptoms: excessive bleeding, ripped tissues (inside your mouth, gums, tongue), inflammation or swelling, a missing tooth or teeth, and/or a severe toothache.

One of the most common dental emergencies is a knocked-out tooth. It’s painful and often occurs quickly. If this happens to you or your child, locate the tooth and, if you can place it back into its socket. If not, soak it in milk or saltwater. Bite down on a bandana or an old towel if you’re bleeding. Please call us as soon as possible. We will help you get on the road to recovery quickly. 

Another painful emergency is a broken or chipped tooth, which tears the nerves and blood vessels in the pulp of your teeth. We advise you to locate the missing components and call us immediately. We may or may not be able to restore your original tooth, but we will help you achieve a beautiful natural look. If you have a sharp tooth in your mouth, we recommend applying wax to avoid tearing any of the tissue in your mouth prior to your appointment.

An abscessed tooth is a painful infection that Dr. Duffy would diagnose. Warning signs include swelling and heat over the area, pain, inflammation in your tooth socket, pus leaking from the gum line, or other significant discomforts such as sharp, achy pain when biting. We can help you by treating the infection and working with you to determine the best permanent solution for you. If not treated, the symptoms will intensify, making the recovery process more difficult.

Stay as Comfortable as Possible

Until you can get to our office, do what you can to relieve the pain using an over-the-counter medication such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Take according to package directions. You may also find comfort rinsing your mouth with warm water or applying a cool or warm compress (which you typically will know quickly which works better, as different emergencies respond differently to warm or cool).

Our patients are our top priority at Peninsula Family Dentistry. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about our urgent dental care services. When it comes to emergencies, don’t put off seeking help. We can help you find relief!

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